About Hongwanji
Hongwanji is the head temple of the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha Buddhist organization. Japanese Buddhist temples usually have its honorific mountain name and the one for Hongwanji is Ryukokuzan. Therefore, the temple’s official name is Ryukokuzan Hongwanji, however, its nickname “Nishi (lit., “west”) Hongwanji” is rather well known to people. The founder of the Jodo Shinshu teaching is Shinran Shonin (1173–1263) who lived in the early medieval period of Japan.
On the precincts of Hongwanji are the Amidado (Hall of Amida Buddha), Goeido (Founder's Hall), Karamon, Shoin, Hiunkaku and other structures, many of which have been designated as National Treasures and Important Cultural Assets of Japan. In addition, the Hongwanji received the designation as a UNESCO World Heritage in 1994 as part of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto.
English Guide by Students SUSPENDED
On Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, students of a Hongwanji affiliated school, Ryukoku University, attend to temple visitors in English. They wear turquoise blue jackets and stand before the Goeido gate.


Nishi Hongwanji
Hanayacho-sagaru, Horikawa-dori, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, 600-8501
Tel (075) 371-5181 Fax (075) 351-1372
From Kyoto, JR or Kintetsu Line
- Kyoto City Bus : From Kyoto Eki-mae, Line 9, 28 or 75 (bound for Nishi Kamo Shako etc.) → Get off at Nishi Hongwanji-mae
- Taxi : Request for "Nishi Hongwanji" as the destination. Approximately 5 minutes from Kyoto Station.
From Kawaramachi, Hankyu Line
- Kyoto City Bus : From Shijo Omiya, Line 18, 71, 206 or 207 → Get off at Shimabaraguchi
- Taxi : Request for "Nishi Hongwanji" as the destination. Approximately 10 minutes from Omiya Station.
From Shichijo, Keihan Line
- Kyoto City Bus : From Shichijo Keihan-mae, Line 206 or 208 → Get off at Shichijo Horikawa
- Taxi : Request for "Nishi Hongwanji" as the destination. Approximately 10 minutes from Shichijo Station